Thursday, January 21, 2010


it's crazy to say that Malachi has had two consecutive "stable" days. i'm not sure that i've ever been able to say that before. honestly, i didn't think that i'd ever be able to say it either. crazy that TWO days of stability is progress.

seems to be that next week we will be talking more seriously about a g-tube and the possibility of a trach. ideally, we would like to stay away from a trach, but he has to be able to handle his secretions without desating. at this point, he seems to be unable to do it on his own. pray that it would be reasonable for him to NOT need a trach.

we're sleepy. it's bedtime. both of us have work in the morning. (i started MT work parttime again, at least until Chi comes home)


  1. That is wonderful news....SO happy! We continue to pray....

  2. wow coming so far lets hope he doesnt need the trach and that thepossible gtube goes well most chargers have one at least for the first year specialy heart babies that still have heart issues it helps to keep the body with good stuff while you arewaiting to fix it all up hugs
