Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Room

Some pics of Malachi's new room...

Sleeping... Ahh (sigh)...

A nametag for each month he's been hospitalized (I don't have the ones for February and V-Day up yet).
Something to add a little color to his room:Our list of prayer supporters. Helps me to remember that we are never alone in this.
The sign that came after my mini-breakdown to the nurse the other day. John made some corrections to it ;)
He has a window now! Yay for natural light!
Loving on his lovey.
One of the mobiles he enjoys (he definitely tracks with his "good" eye)
I had my first G-tube explosion experience today. I totally forgot when I was holding Malachi that the large syringe attached to his tube was fastened to the pole beside me. I got up out of my chair to put him back in bed and heard a loud pop. At first I freaked, thinking it was his trach/vent tubes, but it wasn't a HUGE deal since he was done being fed. My mind blanked and I didn't know how to clamp it, therefore resulting in formula spraying all over the room. Oops.


  1. What a great sight, he looks so content and has some light with a window, and with colorful objects that he can focus on. Your note to the nurses is so appropriate and John's additions are great!!! The nurses should get the hint that you two are so involved with your baby Chi and deserves the best care they can give him. Hope you and John got to spend a nice Valentines' Day together!!!!!
    We are praying for you and lots of love and blessings to the entire family.
    Thanks for the great updates to keep us all in the loop. Malachi is such a handsome young baby.
    In Christian love and blessings,
    Aunt DeRaye and Uncle Steve

  2. Ohhh just wait til it's on your ceiling..hehehee! it's those little things that take the seriousness out of it and just makes you laugh. He looks so happy and content!

  3. He get more and more beautitful every day!!!
