Thursday, February 11, 2010

moving day

Can't get enough of these pictures:
Baby Chi:
Too long for his 3 mos. sleeper!!

Nurses, RT, and NNP moving Malachi:

Malachi's new bed:

So, Malachi was transferred from NICU (newborn) to Infant ICU. We are happy and sad to move. We are happy because this is one giant step closer to home. Infant ICU is more parent training oriented, they get John and I ready to bring him home. Also, the social worker associated with Infant ICU is more versed in getting home care services and nursing help set up--all of which are good things for us. HOWEVER, we will very much miss the nurses who regularly had our baby for the last 15 weeks. They knew how to read him. They were well aware of his needs, his diagnoses, and his treatments. They knew how to interact with me and John. They looked at him with love. Malachi's new set of nurses don't know him yet. They don't know our family yet. It is a transition. It is weird. (but, we do get food and drink privileges AND our own room--oh, and emma gets to visit when she gets healthy!)


  1. soemtiems i dotn comment in here coz i coment on the note again in fb anyway bit confusin but thats how it is and LOVING THE NEW PHOTOS AND the new room YAY do al ur firends miss you is the icu where gannon is now love ya

  2. oooh I remember when we got a new set of nurses...I just felt so lost and it again felt so clinical. But I am so so thrilled for this huge step for you guys! Praying for you still!

  3. I love the new photos and that you got to hold him again after all this time. What a blessing. I hope the move goes well and smooth and the new nurses get to know you all quickly.
    Crystal and Eva
