Monday, February 15, 2010

First Trach Class

Guess what I got to play [practice] with today...I bet you wish you were there .... okay, maybe not. Unfortunately (but also fortunately), session one seemed to be pretty much review of what I already know and am comfortable with regarding Malachi's trach. Don't get me wrong, it still weirds me out, but I'm getting more comfortable with it. I will finish my "formal" trach classes on thursday, most of which I believe will be new information. When I got into the hospital today, the nurse was doing a hearing screen. I didn't quite get a clear answer from he regarding what she thought it revealed. We are assuming that Malachi has very minimal hearing at this point from other CTs showing malformed and underdeveloped bony structures of his inner ear. They also condensed his feeds to over one hour (he was tolerating over 90 minutes up to this point). The eventual plan is to get him down to at least an hour, then work on increasing the amount of his feed (he's currently at 85 ml--almost 3 ounces), and when he tolerates the large amount changing feeds from every three hours to every four. If they can get him to this point before heading home, AMAZING!!!

Occupational therapy stopped in today while I was there. They are working with him in regard to tracking objects left to right, right to left, and up and down. He does left to right pretty good, but the rest not so much. They want him to grasp objects, bring his hands together, suck on a pacifier, and tolerate 5 minutes of OT stimulation. He's not there yet. He did, however, enjoy his bath given by mommy and some boppy time! The nurse allowed me to do his bath, g-tube care, and trach care completely by myself. It was wonderful to not have someone hovering while I learn to care for my babe.

Tomorrow we meet, Lord willing, with the doctors and nurse practioners currently involved in Malachi's care. Hopefull, we will be able to get on the same page and see where we are and what they think regarding our little man!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going well, he will be home before you know it. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!!
