Thursday, March 11, 2010

regular beats

So nice to walk into Malachi's room and see regular beat after regular beat after regular beat on his monitor (the top strip). Not only was his heart rate hanging near 100, but his oxygen saturation was also perfectly in his 75-85 range. He was awake and mostly content. A good day. John and I asked them to stop the Robinul that they started last week (which we weren't really informed of or asked for our opinion in the first place). Since they had started it, his secretions became too thick to suction them out through his trach, he was requiring more oxygen to keep his sats up, he was sleeping all the time, and he was having a much more irregular heart rhythm. Since the Robinul has been stopped, things have gotten much, much, MUCH better. I need to start trusting my gut instinct and the wisdom God provides to John and I as Malachi's parents.

Gotta love baby feet.
He tolerates me holding him in a sitting position pretty well. I can't wait to have him home and really start letting him explore--the hospital gets pretty old, pretty fast!
Trying to get him to stand up a bit, you can tell that he's definitely NOT used to it. He just needs more practice.

(video is coming)