Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I knew Malachi from the day he got to Riley. I watched your journey in person and through your blog. I was mostly touched by your dedication to your son, a gift from GOD no matter what "issues" he had. It may have scared you and your husband, but you were so strong. You fought for your son, through all the ups and downs. You never gave up on Malachi or GOD. Even when your faith seemed to be a bit tested you called on GOD and that was a lesson to me. Call on GOD especially in your darkest hour. When you could have been mad at HIM and given up on your faith, you stayed true to GOD and HIS promise to you and Malachi. I know that when I don't understand "why" I tend to get angry at GOD, and you have showed me not to do that. You have strengthened my faith in HIM and my belief that HE is in charge, and HE knows what we all need, even when it doesn't make any sense to us. Malachi was a wonderful little man, and I know that he is happy and with his creator. Thank you for sharing your story, and for renewing my faith in HIS promise.

Indianapolis, Riley Hospital

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