Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Meeting

Well, let's just say that the meeting didn't go quite as expected. There is just not a lot we can do right now. Most of the meeting was spent in conversation with some nurses at Duke going over a consent form for Malachi's blood to be sent and have some investigational lab testing completed. There is no question whether or not to go forward with that because he already has the PICC line, there's not a TON of blood that is required for the study, and there is no additional expense to us. We will possibly pursue conversation regarding a thymus transplant at Duke a month from now.

Tomorrow, they will begin a medication to temporarily suppress Malachi's current lymphocytes. This seems counterintuitive, but the lymphocytes are not regulated because of Chi's missing thymus. There is a good chance that the lymphocytes that are in his body, are still mine from when he was first born and they are now attacking his skin (just as if he were to have an organ transplant and his body rejected the new organ).

So did we get any answers today? No. We are pretty much in limbo for the next month or so to kind of see how Malachi does during that time.


  1. praying for you guys. hang in there and try to get some rest when you can.

  2. OH Marissa,
    My heart is breaking for you. May GOD keep HIS angels in watch over little Chi!
