Friday, May 14, 2010


Malachi seemed to have yet again a better day. From a respiratory standpoint, he's almost back to his home ventilator settings, just one more adjustment to be made which will probably take place this weekend. He was getting albuterol breathing treatments every four hours; these have now been spread out to every six hours. They are still working on adjusting his immunosuppressants to maintain a therapeutic level. On the surface of his skin, it seems like we can visibly see that his body is once again waging war within itself. Another rash is starting to appear.

Praying for the ability to organize a care conference with all of our main specialties. Malachi is a complex kid (how about that for understatement of the year!). It would be nice to listen to all of the different doctors who take part in his care converse while John and I are in the room. I don't know really how to prepare myself for that meeting or even what to expect. I just want to be on the same page as everyone else.

Pray that I don't become a sobbing fool in the midst of the meeting, and that I can at least save it for after when John and I are alone. I hate crying in front of the doctors. It's easier for me to process information and ask questions with clarity when I'm not blubbering.

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