Friday, May 7, 2010

Guess who's happy to be home?

I personally didn't see a smile from our little man the entire three weeks he was in the hospital. Now that he's home, it's a different story. He hasn't been awake during the day a TON, but when he is, he's usually in a pretty good mood. You can tell his bum is still super uncomfortable both in its appearance and his reaction to it. And he's still super susceptible to any sort of infection due to his immunosuppressants, but he's just much happier and comfortable at home. Can you blame him?

Look at that face! He was all smiles the other afternoon through the time John got home from work, so he got to take part in the smiles too. He definitely wears us out--physically and emotionally, but he's well worth the extra effort required.

One more thing I want to document so that I don't forget (not that this memory will escape my mind for a very long time, if ever) is on Wednesday the first night he was home, I leaned in close to give him a kiss before heading to bed. He looked over toward me, reached up his little hand, and started just feeling my face. As if to say, I know who you are. I know you love me. I trust you. I know my mama.


  1. Sweeeeet baby boy! So glad he is back at home. Prayers that he stays there!

  2. He's sooo cute! Praying for no infections and a long time at home!!!

  3. Love those smiles!
    What kind of diapers are you putting on Chi? I just came across some info today regarding Pampers Cruisers with their new Dry Max technology. Apparently, a significant number of people have been complaining of reactions on their babies' skin. I have used them myself, and I have noticed that my baby's bum has broken out much more frequently whenever she has a BM. I know Chi is super sensitive to reacting beause of his suppressed immune system, so I thought I'd let you know in case you were using those diapers.

  4. LOVE it! Of course he knows your his momma and feels safe when he's with you! This made me feel all warm and fuzzy. :0)
    P.S. I am loving your hair. SUPER cute...along with that super cute baby bump. ;0)
