Sunday, October 3, 2010

Do you really love Christ?

God has been testing me in this area lately.  Between regular church services, our "Idols of the Heart" Bible study, books I've been reading (John Piper's When I Don't Desire God: How to Fight for Joy) and the True Woman Conference, I've been forced to take a look at my priorities.  Being a Christian isn't simply saying a prayer or going to church--it's a way of life.  The gift of salvation of eternity in heaven as opposed to hell is not free as some would have you to believe.  In fact, it is SO COSTLY that there is no possible way that any human could pay up.  Christ DIED on the cross when He was completely blameless so that those who give their lives to Him might truly live in (one day) perfect fellowship with God--our very Creator.

A life for a life.

Your lifestyle will either prove or disprove your love of Christ. The lives of believers should be radically different than the lives of unbelievers.  The impact of the gospel should drastically affect the life of a true believer. 

The unbeliever will minimize the truth and authority of God's Word, therefore rationalizing a "live it up" attitude, doing whatever seems right in your own eyes, coarse/vulgar language, gossip, an indulgent lifestyle (getting what I want when I want it), resenting or dishonoring your husband, letting others raise your kids, spoiling your kids, living impulsively, being impure and immodest (especially in the way you dress).

On the other hand, the believer is called to be a model of godliness and purity, being reverent in behavior, speaking truth and encouragement, living a temperate lifestyle, teaching what is good, loving your husband, loving your children, valuing motherhood, being self-controlled, being kind and other-centered, and submitting to your husband.

Clearly, I am not a prime example of the latter and I know I have a LOT of room for improvement and growth in my overall lifestyle, but I am thankful that the Holy Spirit is working within me and my life at least somewhat emulates the life to which God has called me. Growing up, I did not witness first-hand a godly marriage.  So anything "right" in my relationship with my husband can only be attributed to God's working in our lives.  December will mark four years for John and I, and we have certainly been tested.  Please pray for us as we continue to navigate this path of grief and growing while welcoming a new babe into our family.  Its definitely much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Happy (early) Anniversary. Your marriage has definitely been tested and strengthened over the past 4 years. Thank you for sharing how the Holy Spirit is working in you, and in turn allowing me to realize how the Holy Spirit is changing me.
