Saturday, May 30, 2009

a good day

today, we ventured out again to the Indy Zoo. i think emma is getting used to seeing actual real-live animals and not just pictures in books. we went in the morning so that we'd still be able to get some things done around the house when we got home (i'm also trying to transition Emma to one solid nap a day instead of two smaller ones--still a work in progress). anywho, john got to see his komodo dragons.

emma was OUT when we got home so i kicked my feet up for a little bit while john made lunch and then went to work on the yard. unfortunately, the weed whacker went up in smoke as he was halfway through the job. otherwise he got everything else taken care of as far as outside things.

while he worked outside I got a few hours of transcription in and made dinner. i've decided to stick to some of the flylady principles and the first one is to shine your sink! after emma went down for bed i cleaned the dishes and wiped down counters and sink. i felt so good after accomplishing that (oh what little battles!) that i decided to go ahead and just clean up the whole main level of the house. now if only it would stay this way! a girl can dream... i'm just happy that things got done around here today and we can actually RELAX tomorrow and enjoy the Lord's day!

last but not least, i put new pictures up for the month of May on my facebook page. check them out!

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