Wednesday, June 3, 2009

this and that

Well, it's apparent... 18 weeks and definitely showing. Quite a few of the ladies at church tonight made comments on my ever-showing belly. I'm pretty proud of it if I do say so myself. I've cleared the "i look like i just ate a whole pizza" stage, but I'm not quite to the huge and miserable stage. Anywho, this is current belly status.

PUZZLES!! I got this puzzle out for emma and put all of the pieces in a pile. I left the room for a second to go do something and when I came back this is what i found. Not bad for a kid under 1-1/2. She obviously hasn't quite figured out that how to fit the pieces all the way into their spots, but she knows to match the pictures up.

The other night I made nachos for dinner. As you can see, Emma's favorite part was the sour cream. She didn't touch much of her watermelon. Oh well, I tried...

Well, her hair is finally long enough for a single ponytail. She had a crazy flip going with her bangs, so i tried to tame it with the clips... overall, she's a cutie!

What can I say? Stinkin' adorable!

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