Tuesday, February 10, 2009

trying to be patient...

...and checking priorities.

I'm not really sure why I decided to impose deadlines on us for getting the house on the market. We aren't in any extreme hurry. But the closer and closer we got to that February 1 deadline I set, the more impatient and short-fused I became in just everyday life. I was very aware of what was not getting accomplished in the timeframe of which I decided was best for us. Even if John was putting in a 50+ hour week and we had family things on the weekend, to me it still wasn't good enough. Instead, how thankful I should have been and should be that my husband is working his behind off to make sure that we can pay the bills every month and that his wife and baby are taken care of. All this to say, it was very much hindering me in my God-given role as wife and mother.

So I've taken a step back to try and get a clearer picture of things. A while back, as soon as John expressed interest in teaching english overseas and looking into full-time missions, I was ready to go and ready to go NOW. I knew there are a lot of things that need to take place before all that including the sale of our house in a not-so-pretty market. Right now my "job" is to serve my husband and help him in any way that I can as well as taking care of our daughter. I also need to put God as my first priority and continue to grow in Christlikeness before I will be effective in any future ministries which I will be a part of.

I better wrap this up. Halfway through this post my sick baby woke up crying for her mama. So I've been cradling her with one arm and typing with just the other. Quick sickness update: Emma seems to be on the mend. She started puking last Tuesday and finally a week later she seems to be doing better. John woke up with horrible stomach issues and began vomiting around 5A.M. I've just had a touch of the bug this afternoon/evening--a blessing since I've been taking care of the other two! Hopefully Emma will let me put her back in her crib so i can get some quality shut eye before morning. 'Night

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