Friday, October 9, 2009

currently reading: liberated through submission

So I meant to write about this book when I finished it almost a week ago. Unfortunately, that did not seem to happen. Instead, I can only touch on a couple basic ideas that I took from the book and impacted me in one way or another.

One particular idea is that submission is not just action-based. One can easily "submit" to the authorities in their life in an outward, action-based way WITHOUT truly submitting with their mind and heart. I was convicted because I know there are many times in my life where I have submitted to parents, coaches, teachers, and my husband outwardly. I followed through in an ACT of obedience, but I was sinning and disobedient with my thoughts and attitude toward the situation. Not only is this something that I need to correct for the sake of my well-being, but I want to be able to display the right heart attitude as a model for my daughter to take after.

Also, submission is for everyone... We all answer to a higher authority, whether it be earthly or heavenly, whether we are male or female, whether we are married or single. For some reason, our Christian circles tend to come to the conclusion that submission is only for married women. Not true. "We have conformed to the world's concept, accepting its views. We have become all-too-comfortable, costuming ourselves and acting out roles that God never intended for us."

For those wives who complain and lament the fact that they are required by God to submit to their husbands, this might put things in perspective. Yes, Scripture says, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord." BUT Scripture also gives the following responsibilities to married men:
1. Be the head (final decision maker) of the wife.
2. Love your wife.
3. Be the spiritual leader of the home.
4. Live with your wife according to understanding (understanding why and how God made her).
No pressure, guys! We women should be thankful that submission is our only direct command in regard to our marriage relationship.

I am definitely learning that submission does not happen overnight, nor can it take place of my own volition. By the grace of God and His enabling, I pray that I can continue to strengthen and stretch my submission muscles in order to be the Christian, wife, and mother that God has called me to be.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great book Marissa! I especially like the part about submitting inwardly as well as outwardly -- hard to do sometimes! And boy am I glad I don't have the burden of responsibility that my husband does!
