Wednesday, August 5, 2009

i'm a stupid sheep

I surrended my life to Christ as a junior in high school. It was then that God saved me from myself, my sins, and ultimately an eternal death of torment and punishment. Nothing I did then or could ever do would be enough to merit the eternal reward and salvation imputed to me through Christ's death on the cross. It was then that I could truly say, "The Lord is my Shepherd," as quoted in the familiar passage of Psalm 23.

The Bible says, “All we like sheep have gone astray” (Isaiah 53:6). That’s what sheep do; they’re prone to wander. Along with the fact that the Lord is my shepherd is the implication that I am one of His sheep. Well, the thing about sheep is that they are dumb. They are stupid. They are foolish. They have no sense of direction. They are dependent. They NEED a shepherd. Frankly, that sounds about right! Left to my own devices, I am lost with absolutely no true sense of direction. I NEED a Shepherd. To be able to say that Christ is my Shepherd, I must remember that I belong to Him. I need to listen to His voice. I am His sheep. With this, He can then be that role of Shepherd. He is always watching out for me and it is His job to care for me. As a follower of Christ, I can rest in that provision and protection.

However, if the Lord is not your Shepherd, if you don’t have that relationship with God through Jesus Christ, then:

You can’t expect guidance through life.
You can’t expect that your soul will be restored when it’s weak or weary.
You will fear evil.
You will not have comfort when you go through the valley of the shadow of death.
And you have no hope—for this life or for the next—if the Lord is not your Shepherd.

The choice is yours to make. The invitation is there. Follow self or follow Christ? I choose to follow Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder, Marissa. And you are so right about being sheep. I am constantly amazed by what we (myself most definitely included) come up with on our own when we decide to branch out from God's simple truths.

    Jesus is all, everything we could ever hope for. Only a stupid sheep would try to do better than that.

    Thanks for your humbling words. I pray they find a searching heart.
