Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Living Every Little Girl's Dream

It's amazing how easy it is to get caught up in the mundane details of life and forget about the big picture and to fret about current life situations. For instance, all afternoon Emerson was being especially whiny AND I didn't have any familiar doctors to type for at work (not good when you get paid for productivity) AND there's still so much to be done on the house before we can put it on the market that just stares at me all day AND just the everyday upkeep and cleaning I am responsible around the house--so much to do and never enough time.

But, there's always enough time to do that which is important to you. So I was thinking, when I was little, what did I always want? I wanted a husband to cook for and a baby to take care of, all I wanted was to "play house." That's what's important, my family and what we are doing to honor God.

Today, it hit me. I'm living the life I've always wanted. I have a husband who loves me more than anyone I've ever known and who loves God even more than me. He doesn't have all the answers and in no way should I expect him to. We are learning, day by day, what God has in store for us. He doesn't love his job by any means, but we've been blessed and it pays the bills every month. Not only that, but he yearns for more--for himself, for us, and for our God. We are pursuing options that have been laid out before us as far as full time ministry. Our first thought was teaching English in China because the people there are yearning to know English, but what more a need can be met with the hearing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. More recently, we have been drawn to a ministry opportunity with Purdue University using English as an open door to international students. They have over 5,000 int'l students this year from over 120 countries. What an opportunity we could be a part of here in Indiana!

Not only do I have an amazing husband, but I have a healthy baby girl who amazes me every day with something new that she is learning. She tackles simple things like clapping or shaking her head in response to a question or climbing into and out of a chair. When she sets her mind to it, she is starting to master bigger things like climbing the stairs like a pro and taking a few steps at a time. She can be a real handful some days (most days she's a little angel), but one smile at her mommy makes everything worth it. I don't think she will ever know how much she means to me. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to introduce her to a baby brother or sister.

All in all, I've got nothing to complain about it. God is good.


  1. Isn't it crazy when you come to that realization? I had the same dreams as a child, and I am well on my way to accomplishing them... It's SO very gratifying!! God is definitely good :)

  2. Purdue has the most international students in Indiana. I really enjoyed working with ISI and I think they just started one in Purdue.
